Primary 4 Learning Academy – TCher SG

TCher SG Primary 4 modules

Primary 4 marks the first year of upper primary for our students.

To help our students adapt to the academic rigours of Primary 4, TCher SG adopts a formative approach to help them progressively build a solid foundation of subject knowledge:

  • Our teachers will first strengthen students’ understanding of Primary 4 topics, before following up with more problem-solving strategies needed to take on more abstract and complex concepts.
  • Structured sets of strategies will then be introduced to help our students grasp more complex concepts introduced in Primary 4. For example, our Mathematics teachers will strengthen the understanding of the Pictorial Stage in the CPA (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) approach to improve our students’ usage of heuristics tools in solving challenging Mathematics questions.

Experience Primary 4 learning!


Find out more about our Primary 4 programmes

What do TCher SG students and parents have to say: