Parents: It’s time to
experience learning
as it should be

From digitised exam questions extracted from top school papers and 24/7 on-demand video lessons based on the latest MOE syllabus, to ‘LIVE’ online classes by top MOE-trained subject heads and teachers, we have everything you’ll need to give your child the learning edge.

The best part? Your access to these learning tools starts FREE. Sign up now!

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TCher SG Digital Classroom

Weekly 100min ‘LIVE’ online classes covering key concepts, in-depth practice and revision.

Experience it all for yourself with 3 FREE ‘LIVE’ online trial classes!

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    Designed and taught by top MOE-trained educators

    Learn from true-blue educators only. Our highly-qualified teachers know just what it takes to make classes engaging and enriching for each and every child.

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    Interactive digital classes that spark a love for learning

    Got a question? Raise a virtual hand. Or put your knowledge to the test with interactive quizzes. Our digital classes are designed to engage, intrigue and rouse a genuine interest in learning.

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    Learning reports to help parents track progress

    Stay abreast of your child's academic performance with weekly learning reports and even get recommendations on how to improve the way your child learns.

TCher SG App

Get exam ready with over 50,000 exam questions from top primary school papers, all digitised onto a single intuitive platform.

Don’t just take our word for it,
put our TCher SG App to the test now!

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    Customise what you want to practise on

    No messy PDFs scanned wholesale from actual papers. We individually input and categorise all of our exam questions, so that you can filter and target exactly what you want to work on.

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    Step-by-step answer key videos

    Others tell you the right answer, we show exactly how to get there. Let our top MOE-trained educators take your child through the questions with worked solutions.

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    Auto-marking and instant answers

    No more hassle of referring to answer sheets to mark your child’s work. With auto-marking and instant answers, you get more time to focus on closing up your child’s learning gaps.

TCher SG Online Academy

Be in full control of when and where to learn with over 150 hours of pre-recorded video lessons.

Want to watch a video lesson right now? Of course you can!

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    High-quality recorded lessons aligned to the latest MOE syllabus

    Each video lesson is thoughtfully designed and produced by our team of MOE-trained expert educators, and is always updated to be aligned with MOE’s latest curriculum.

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    Self-paced learning resources to support 'LIVE' teaching

    Want a recap of what was taught in school or after our 'LIVE' classes? Our video lessons let you pick and play from any of the topics you want to learn, relearn or revise.

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    24/7 on-demand video lessons

    Need a quick refresher before a paper? Or simply want to revise a specific topic? Our video lessons are available for your child’s viewing anytime, anywhere.

We’ve got Singapore talking

As featured in national media:


The TCher SG Story

A passion for teaching. A vision to make quality education affordable for all.

TCher SG was formed by a group of former MOE school leaders with a shared vision:

To deliver high-quality online teaching that can help every student in Singapore thrive, regardless of means, background or current proficiency.

Driven by a passion for teaching and a strong belief in the benefits of edtech, we remain committed to bringing out the best in every student by making quality education affordable for all.

Try TCher SG for free, register now!

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